Introduction is an open library of modelling artefacts from the business and technical domain.
The artefacts stored in oomodels shall be
- open - see Philosophy
- quality assured -
- from the business domain
- from the technical domain
- human readable
- human editable
- machine readable
You can download, contribute, discuss and develop modelling artefacts, meet architects and software providers, convert formats, get started with your software solution, find software to operate your model, integrate with eclipse and learn about formats, concepts and technologies.
Philosophy[edit] is open. That means, everyone can participate, contribute and benefit in the same manner.
Exceptions from the rule: we might eventually need protection against vandalism, and we might need moderation to keep the spirit and functioning of, e.g. correct annotations and alike. is not anti-commercial: every company and person is invited to present himself in the same and fair manner (i.e., same amount of information, alphabetical ordering and alike). We do not consider commercialism as evil.
The artefacts (i.e. models, classes, templates etc.) in oomodels shall be open/free in the sense that some GPL-, CreativeCommons- or-a-like-license applies. If not stated otherwise, the creative commons license given on the bottom left of the page applies.
Software for processing these models need not be free or open. There is no restriction on this, except the fair presentation. was initiated and is driven by Andreas Leue. I am open to put this effort in the hands of some possibly better suited foundation. If anyone is willing to help me with his experience in doing so, you are very welcome to contact me.
Each artefact in provides a link to the download manager.
The download manager relies on correct annotations of the artefacts. Specifically, the type and encoding of artefacts are crucial. For an example, see Artefact:Model/org/oomodels/tests/models/basic/SimpleClass.
Then, in the download manager, you may choose from a variety of target formats you might wish the artefact to be converted to before downloading.
I.e., this works if someone has contributed a respective converter. See Contribute for details. Or read the next section (hint, hint, hint ;-) ).
Be part of the creation of this powerful and valuable artefact resource!
Remember: the site is a wiki. Everyone can contribute to this resource.
If you're unsure how to edit in general, you may want to try the sandbox.
If you're unsure how to edit, annotate and organise your artefacts within,
- be sure to read the short introduction
- get an idea of using namespaces in the wiki
- find a suitable namespace you're in control of (e.g. com/mydomain)
- and try experimenting within your own sandbox (e.g. com/mydomain/sandbox)
E.g., your first model might be on the page Artefact:Model/com/mydomain/sandbox/MyFirstModel.