This template is used to mark entries of companies, persons or groups.
Feel free to mark your entries in these lists, on discussion pages or elsewhere, where your name apperas, but obey to the criteria given here.
Everywhere you want to link to you contact page, instead of writing
(e.g. [[Contact:Person/net/leue/andreas|Andreas Leue]])
just write
(e.g. {{Contributor|Contact:Person/net/leue/andreas|Andreas Leue}})
Then, you must create an additional page named
(e.g. Contact:Person/net/leue/andreas/ContributorRank)
On this page, you write a plain number between 1 and 5 - no whitespace, noline breaks -
according to the following table:
(Please understand: the idea of this concept is to reward people who have contributed in a fair manner. Since we may have made mistakes writing this list, there is no right to get these stars. We completely reserve the right to finally decide how many one gets. Legal recourse is excluded.)
Contributor Rank
- you added at least one artefact to OOModels

- you added at least 10 artefacts to OOModels or
- you contributed to the software for OOModels or
- you provide some services for OOModels or
- you donated at least 500,- € to OOModels
- you added at least 50 artefacts to OOModels or
- you added a bundle and at least 5 artefacts to this bundle that specify a complete application, runnable with a framework of your choice or
- you belong to a reviewer group that routinely ensures the quality of artefacts or
- you maintain software for OOModels or
- you administrate a service for OOModels
- you donated at least 2500,- € to OOModels
- you added at least 100 artefacts to OOModels or
- you added a bundle and at least 10 artefacts to this bundle that specify a complete application, runnable with a framework of your choice or
- you added a bundle and an arbitrary amount of artefacts to this bundle that specify a complete application, runnable with a framework of your choice which is used by some customer who is willing to confirm that the application is used in some production environment or
- you donated at least 10000,- € to OOModels
- you added at least 250 artefacts to OOModels or
- you added a bundle and at least 50 artefacts to this bundle that specify a complete application, runnable with a framework of your choice or
- you added a bundle and at least 25 artefacts to this bundle that specify a complete application, runnable with a framework of your choice which is used by some customer who is willing to confirm that the application is used in some production environment or
- you donated at least 25000,- € to OOModels